Thursday, October 8, 2009

Riddle Me This:

Why 77% of Christians oppose "Gay Marriage" in an effort to "protect" and keep marriage "sacred". Yet, 60% of Christian marriages end in divorce.

Why a majority of Christians fight against abortion in an effort to "defend and protect" helpless children, yet there is an estimated 15-44 MILLION orphaned* children in the world. If I had a nickel for everytime I heard a Christian talk about defending or protecting the life of a child that's already alive, I'd maybe have...I dunno...15 cents?

In each situation, I am in no way telling you to abandon the former. I'm merely wondering why, with such an overly emphatic claim to "protect" these two things, there seems to be a wide abandonment on the latter. Just a question.

*This of course, is not even counting the number of children sold into slavery each year.


Kara said...

Very good, Debi... chewing, chewing chewing... things to ponder and take action on.

Jolene Nicole said...

thanks for bringing to surface an issue that needs to be addressed. I dont believe the majority of people choose to support one more than the other, i think its conformity to the crowds and ignorance of situations.

how can we get this blog to be viewed by millions?? riddle me that debi... ill think of some ways and get back to you.

annie said...

Ignorance, fear, apathy, selfishness!! Lord help us all get beyond our self fullfilling lives and do something that matters! Great thought, painful but great!