Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm sure this thing is meant to be an outpouring of super encouraging notes on life, but right now I'm mostly confused about some of the things we do as humans. What a drag I know. Oh well, here are some things that I really don't understand...

1. The Question: "What are you thinking?"

This is probably an odd thing to have beef with, but seriously, I find this question incredibly illogical. And here's why...typically when someone is quiet enough that they are asked this question it is for one of these following reasons:

1. They're shy
2. They haven't completed their thought
3. They're thinking something private

Ok, so maybe I missed some obscure reason why this question gets asked, but either way...lets deal with the basics. If it's #1, then enough said...the person is shy, and probing them for information isn't going to make them feel more comfortable. If you find yourself in scenario #2 then you have now cut someone off in mid-thought. They wouldn't be able to tell you even if they wanted to because you just interrupted their thinking to ask what they're thinking. And if you have a case of #3 then you just created a horribly awkward situation. They won't tell you because they had no intention of telling you in the first place. but now you for some reason feel hurt that they're not "being open with you" when they didn't even ask to be put in that situation in the first place. Case in point, if someone wants to share what is on their mind then they would be doing just that, and there would be no need to ask them to do so. It makes no sense.

2. Cutting in Line

Whether it's at the airport, the dmv, in traffic, or the lunchline; cutting in line makes no sense to me. Sure I "understand" why people do it, but I really don't. And what really confuses me is why it's such a common occurance amongst adults. It seems like this is something we would have grown past after 2nd grade, but we haven't because I watch it everyday on the 15 freeway. Most likely because you're in the safety of your own car and you can behave however you want to. But for whatever reason, I feel like this act alone speaks volumes about character. I know, I know, it's really not "that" big of a deal. But I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it is. And I'm going to say that the only reason that we feel it's insignificant is because we see it so much that we've been conditioned to accept it. Like most things in life. It's amazing the things we accept just because it's always been like that. And its amazing the ideas we reject simply because we've never done it that way. We are conditioned animals. But anyways, back to cutting in line. For me, I think cutting in line is one of the most selfish acts out there. Because to do so, you must say to yourself "I know that everyone else is waiting, I know that theyre in the same position that I am, but...but...I want it". To me, that shows complete inability to assess a situation with matured reasoning.

For the sake of brevity I will end here...I wanted to go into nuclear war and all that good stuff but really, who has the time? I'm kidding. About the nuclear war. Not that I'm for get what I mean. hah.

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