Friday, January 1, 2010

2009: In review

We'll keep this short and sweet. By all accounts, 2009 should have been a "bad" year. But, looking back on it, I think it was one of the best years of my life. Not because it was easy, or fun, or exciting, though there were plenty of those moments. But because the majority of it was hard, confusing, and awkward, and in some masochistic way it brought more growth and joy than all other years combined.

In a few vague, summarizing sentences: I was haunted by past hurts, present circumstances, and future uncertainty. I was physically broken, spiritually stranded, and relationally betrayed. I dealt with death, hospitals, and disease. I attempted to mend a shattered relationship, walked through hell with another, and broke off ties with some more. And I came face to face with the things I fear the most (no, I didn't see any whales).

All in all, this year was painful, but it was beautiful and formative. I learned the power of grace, the presence of joy in sorrow, and the strength, vitality, and growth that comes from constant refinement.

Here's to another year, let's hope it's as bad as the last one!


Kara said...

Wow! Sounds like my year. Thank you for putting my jumbled thoughts down so eloquently. I hope to see you in a couple of weeks. :-)

Debi said...

Kara don't toy with my emotions! Does this mean you're coming to visit?!?! That would be so wonderful.

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